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- Written by: Rusty Auxier
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 2994
Please use this form for NEW MEMBERSHIPS ONLY; Renewals simply need to pay their dues.
Dues are $40.00 for a single membership and $60.00 for a family membership.
***NOTE*** if you RIGHT-CLICK on the link for the form, then choose "save link as", then open it locally, it is a fillable form...you can fill it out then print, sign and mail it in!
You can now pay us via Interac E-Transfer! Log in and have a look at the E-Transfer info page at the top of all pages on this website!
Thanks es 73!
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE MEMBERSHIP FORM, fill it out, print it, sign it and mail it to
Manitoulin Amateur Radio Club Inc.
P.O. Box 208
Little Current, ON, P0P 1K0
Alternatively, you can email the completed form to Lou, VE3LDY using her call sign @gmail.com
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- Written by: Rusty Auxier
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 1204
the only time you will see activity on this page is during a net on the VE3RMI repeater.
- Details
- Written by: Rusty Auxier
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 6950
the Club Executive
Al Boyd VE3AJB his callsign @vianet.ca
Vice President
Rusty Auxier VE3WVA my callsign @gmail.com
Lou Noble VE3LDY her callsign @gmail.com
- Details
- Written by: Rusty Auxier
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 1188
The McLean's Mountain site is is the only club repeater site with internet connectivity.
VE3RQQ callsign represents several machines; All are located on McLean's Mountain, just outside of little Current.
UHF Repeater on 444.300mHZ with a + offset; It is also IRLP Node 2860
Simplex Asterisk Node 2359 on a frequency of 146.550mHZ requiring a 156.7hZ tone
An APRS iGate/Digipeater on the standard APRS frequency of 144.390
VE3RXR D-STAR Digital Repeaters, located on McLean's Mountain, just outside of Little Current.
Module B is on a frequency of 442.050 + offset
Module C is on a frequency of 145.310 - offset